Have you been the victim of a cyber attack? We hope not. Cyber attacks are a severe problem and cause serious consequences for a business’ credibility, reputation, and customer satisfaction. Security breaches and cybersecurity crimes are becoming increasingly common, causing many businesses substantial loss.

As a result, business owners now largely understand the importance of having secure IT infrastructures to protect their businesses. This practice provides major benefits and supports growth.

Here are some simple, actionable tips for protecting your business against a cyber attack.


1. Keep Your Data Secured

There is always a threat of a security breach risk, so it is in your best interest to keep your data secure. There are numerous ways to ensure data security. Some of them are listed below:

Use of unique and complex passwords

Some passwords can be pretty easily guessed, like the name of your favorite pet or your birth date. Experts suggest using unique and complex passwords. Most software nowadays can suggest an effective password or guide users to create a stronger password by combining upper case and lower case letters with numbers and symbols.

Protect your password

Complex and unique passwords still require protection. First, you should never share the password with anyone. If you have a shared business account, make sure not to share passwords unnecessarily.

Second, avoid saving passwords on devices that multiple people share. It also includes using public devices or open free Wi-Fi networks in public places.

Finally, it is also crucial to change your passwords after some time. Using biometric authentication is helpful as it frees your mind from remembering passwords and provides better security when compared with a password.

Turn on two-factor authentication wherever possible

Accessing your third party accounts becomes almost impossible for cybercriminals when you make use of 2-factor authentication. By setting up this feature, you receive a notification, an email, or a text message to verify that you’re trying to log in to your account from a different device. This way, you can promptly take action if it wasn’t you seeking access to the account.

Use secure internet connection

It is wise to use separate internet connection with a secured password instead of using an open or public internet connection when running a business. Internet connection puts the connected devices at risk for cyber attacks where hackers can get into the stored data. You must restrict your internet public use with a password and internally manage who can use your company’s Wi-Fi.

2. Keep Updating Your Software

Businesses incorporate the use of different software in daily processes which may hold confidential employee, clients, and business information. Keeping any software up to date is important because many updates include enhanced security features. It is crucial to keep updating your software with the latest technology to secure it against cyber attacks.

3. Control Data Accessibility

Strictly managing the flow of data and controlling accessibility to that data can help prevent serious cyber attacks. Always keep a strict guidelines on who can access your data, where, and when.

If you are outsourcing any work and using managed services by a third party, make sure you connect with a reliable company with full-bodied security features. Remember to apply updated IT solutions to build strong network security as it helps in controlling data accessibility at various checkpoints.

4. Use Data Security Software And Apply Advanced Technologies

Businesses must install firewalls and antivirus software to protect themselves from hackers. The firewall works like a digital shield to protect extra traffic or other software from breaching your network security. Antivirus is also a kind of data security software that scans for suspicious elements.

Data encryption technology provides protection in chats and other forms of communication, and information is end-to-end encrypted in codes generally known as ciphertext. It is impossible to decode the ciphertext as it demands special keys – the decryption key- to read these codes.

Using face recognition and fingerprints to access bank accounts has become a common practice. Our cellphones use this technology to provide better security as no one can access the device until these checks are passed. Businesses can include such advanced features in their internal software for fully protecting their information as well.

5. Effective Internal Privacy Policies

A business must have a defined policy and standardized operating procedure when dealing with its internal matters. No one outside the business should have information about the company’s internal affairs. The administration must strictly control the flow of data and ensure the company’s information is well secured.

Management should also provide repeated training sessions to the employees to ensure they follow the rules and regulations and adhere to the company’s privacy policy.

Employees must take security operations seriously and take adequate measures to safeguard their accounts’ passwords on the company’s software. Moreover, the IT team must remove the accounts of employees who are no longer part of the company.

6. Seek Professional Help

Sometimes taking preventive measures and applying them to protect against a security breach is not enough. If your company is facing recurrent cyber attacks or you need to protect your confidential data, it is this time to seek professional help.

Cybersecurity managed services providers have the expertise necessary to safeguard your business’ IT infrastructure against security breaches, and train employees in important security protocols.

Protecting your business from cyber attacks is one of the most important things you must do. By following the above mentioned tips or finding professional from a cybersecurity managed services provider, you can protect your business from costly attacks.