Board’s Role in Cyber Security & Clouds

A new survey has found that IT decision makers still don’t think that their company boards consider Cyber Security as serious as it is. Even though almost all businesses have has some sort of security breach, big or small, in the last two years.
“Boards are now taking a greater interest in security and risk,” analyst Kasey Panetta wrote. “This means there is a greater onus on security to translate the work they’re doing into a business context. Without the communication there is a misalignment between security and what’s going on in the rest of the organization.” Fortinet survey has found that the Cloud has been responsible for actually persuaded more initiatives for more security protection, instead of the fact of breaches occurring throughout the industry. 77% have actually attributed motivation for security because of the Cloud compared to only 49% that contribute their change to reports of attacks like WannaCry Ransomware.